Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prayer Needs

Hi everybody,

So, we are asking for family and friends to pray for us as we move forward with trying to grow our family. We have been medically cleared to start trying for another baby. In the meantime, we are going to be looking into adoption agencies, and hopefully find one that we feel comfortable with. When we do, we will begin adoption classes. This way, if we can't get pregnant, or something happens when we do, we will still be on the road to getting a baby through adoption. We are giving this to the Lord every day, and we are trusting him with our fears, our future, our joy and our faith through this whole part of our life.

Here are a few specific prayer requests that we have:
1. That we could remain calm and trust in the Lord through all of this.
2. For us to get pregnant and for that baby to NOT have the antigen (this would mean there it would be a normal pregnancy)
3. If the baby DOES have the antigen, pray for no major complications with the pregnancy.
4. We would find an adoption agency that we feel comfortable with, and The Lord would help us financially through that process.

Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts. We are thankful for all of you, and know that God has used your prayers to bless us!


Kelley B Miller said...


Our Journey to Africa said...

I have a friend that I can get you in contact with. Her and her husband adopted their first about three years ago and have been praying for number two for over a year...God gave them TWO babies within 24 hours last week...and they said YES to both! God is SO good! I'm sure she can help you find an agency if you haven't already. We're certainly praying! Also, I'll have to tell you about another adoption possibility...but not on the computer. I'll call you soon...or message you on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Let Harrison and I know if you need anything.
We will be praying for you

Unknown said...

If you feel that God leads you to adopt internationally, I have friends who adopted from China and were very happy with their agency (I'm pretty sure China is not the only country they work with).

Pictures Of Me.