Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Gift....SHE NEEDS A NAME!

SO, check out what Hudson and Scott got me for Mother's Day!! It's a way COOL funky plant. It's a ponytail palm tree! Right now it can stay inside for a long time. Eventually, in a year or so, it will get too big for the pot it is in, and will need a bigger pot. It's SOO awesome....and it NEEDS a name! Feel free to add a "slogan" to the name if you feel like it...but a name is good too. We want to have a long list to consider from. So far here are what we have come up with:
"Bathsheeba: The sinful temptation of the King" and "Shakira: Her hair don't lie." Feel free to voice your opinion and/or leave MORE suggestions for names and/or slogans.

Isn't she glamorous?

Also check out the super sweetness that Hudson and Scott drew for me. Scott had to help Huddy Buddy just a little bit...but he did his part too!

1 comment:

Ryan McKinney said...

You should name her Matilda.

Pictures Of Me.