Monday, March 29, 2010

1 month in :)

Blakely Gray: You turned 1 month old on March 24th!
You weigh approximately 6 lbs 10 ounces, and are about 20.5 inches long.
You are in preemie diapers still, and mostly preemie clothes.
You are waking up about 2 times a night to eat now, and sometimes stay awake for a while afterward. But, you are good at switching from nursing to a bottle, so mommy and daddy do get some sleep every now and then.
I love it when you smile REALLY big right before you fall asleep. I try so hard to get it on camera, but haven't been able to yet.
You also LOVE to be held, and may be on your way to being spoiled, but we are loving every second of spoiling you!
Sometimes when you fall asleep you take her hands and fold your ears down, as if to block out all the outside noise :) It's so cute.
Big Brother Hudson is enamored with you. He wants to hold you, kiss you and talk to you all the time!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

ahh...Jess! I love that, so sweet and heart felt. B will love to read that when she is older.
love the picture of her and Hudson together.

Pictures Of Me.